Virtual Currencies
Use off-chain Virtual Currency to enable support for fiat and custom off-chain tokens.
Deploy new Virtual Currency
To deploy new Virtual Currency you need to define unique name, inital supply, base currency and rate.
echo 'Issue new virtual currency named MY_USD'
curl --location --request POST ' \
--header 'x-api-key: AXVubzpwQDU1dzByYM==' \
--header 'idempotency-key: 27373fabc392933deffdb' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "MY_USD",
"supply": "1000",
"base": "USD",
"rate": "1",
"currency": "USD"
"sub_unit": ["cent", "cents"],
In response you will receive new Virtual Currency with reference to newly created Account with supply issued.
"id": "63a52711fc21ce5d7b34d9f5",
"name": "MY_USD",
"supply": "1000",
"base": "USD",
"rate": 1,
"country": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"owner": "639675ab191e9023f356dfa6",
"created_at": 1671767825114,
"active": true,
"deleted": false,
"account": "63a52711fc21ce5d7b34d9f6",
"sub_unit": ["cent", "cents"],
Issue new supply
New supply can be issued on account holding Virtual Currency.
echo 'Issue new supply for virtual currency with id 63a52711fc21ce5d7b34d9f5'
curl --location --request POST ' \
--header 'x-api-key: AXVubzpwQDU1dzByYM==' \
--header 'idempotency-key: 27373fabc392933deffdb' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"amount": "520.35"
In response you will get Virttual Currency details with list of issue and destroy operations in object issuing
"id": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ad",
"name": "MY_USD",
"supply": "1000",
"base": "USD",
"rate": 1,
"country": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"issuing": [
"operation": "issue",
"amount": "520.35",
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"reference": "63a633e8210e23efb8e2837f"
"owner": "639675ab191e9023f356dfa6",
"created_at": 1671836648605,
"updated_at": 1671836888327,
"active": true,
"deleted": false
Destroy a supply
You can destroy total supply of Virtual Currency on Account.
echo 'Destroy supply for virtual currency with id 63a52711fc21ce5d7b34d9f5'
curl --location --request POST ' \
--header 'x-api-key: AXVubzpwQDU1dzByYM==' \
--header 'idempotency-key: 27373fabc392933deffdb' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"amount": "100"
In response you will get Virtual Currency details with list of issue and destroy operations in object issuing
"id": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ad",
"name": "MY_USD",
"supply": "1000",
"base": "USD",
"rate": 1,
"country": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"issuing": [
"operation": "issue",
"amount": "520.35",
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"reference": "63a633e8210e23efb8e2837f"
"operation": "destroy",
"amount": "100",
"account": "63a633e84ab7d02420b732ae",
"reference": "6461b9d5-a813-4b90-93b2-f5ad510a9eb5"
"owner": "639675ab191e9023f356dfa6",
"created_at": 1671836648605,
"updated_at": 1671836888327,
"active": true,
"deleted": false
Last updated