Infobip People CDP

Enrich identity profiles and enable omnichannel communication with your customers.

Infobip is a leading global communication platform.

Infobip People CDP

Using Infobip People Customer Data Platform you can extend Orangepill Identities with Persons and Companies profiles.

Enable Infobip extension using Orangepill API or Dashboard and start synchronizing People profiles with your Orangepill project.

To start using Persons and Comapnies profiles you must first signup to Infobip.

Infobip signup

Go to and create your Infobip account.

Once your signup process is complete you will have access to Infobip Portal.

You will need API Key and API Base URL parameters to enable Infobip extension.

Enable Infobip Extension

Customize API call with your Infobip credentials and configuration parameters.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: AXVubzpwQDU1dzByYM==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "extension": "INFOBIP",
    "authentication": {
        "API_BASE_URL": "",
        "API_KEY": "kjk25de23hb3b3chg23aakjk2hb3b3"
    "data": {
        "SERVICE_SMS": "447860099299",
        "SERVICE_WHATSAPP": "447860099299",
        "SERVICE_EMAIL": ""

in response is new Extension.

    "id": "64cccf835991a2de3b390fac",
    "extension": "INFOBIP",
    "authentication": {
        "API_BASE_URL": "373j********",
        "API_KEY": "kjk2********"
    "data": {
        "SERVICE_SMS": "447860088593",
        "SERVICE_WHATSAPP": "447860088593",
        "SERVICE_EMAIL": ""
    "created_at": 1691144067296,
    "updated_at": 1691753575794,
    "active": true,
    "error": null

Now you can start using Persons, Companies and use Messaging Channels to communicate with your customers.

People Events

Use People module in Infobip Portal to list Person events and start conversation.

Default Orangepill Events

To enable receiving event notifications for Person activities in Orangepill you must create custom event definitions in Infobip Portal.

Use button New Event Definition in Infobip portal to create new event.

Create event definitions for which you want to receive notifications in Infobip people module.

Last updated